Saturday, January 12, 2013

New Year's Declaration

Well everyone it is 2013. It seems like only yesterday I can remember Y2K and everyone freaking out that the world was going to end or like the Mayan calendar running out in December. Nevertheless here we are today! We are two weeks into a fabulous year. 

As always the new year brings a new you. A lot of people like to make a few resolutions to get healthier or better themselves in some way. Now I know personally I have made resolutions a hundred times and it lasted until maybe March. So instead of making New Year's resolutions, I am making New Year's Declarations!

1. I declare to stay focused on eating healthy and always tracking my meals through Weight Watchers.
2. I declare to go to the gym at least 3-4 times a week.
3. I declare to become a better person on the inside as well as the outside.
4. I declare to never give up on my dreams even when they seem unreachable.
5. I declare to help others when asked.
6. I declare to always stay positive and not to sweat the small things.
7. I declare to blog more even if I am not doing well on my diet.
8. I declare to make a difference.

I feel like "declaring" something just makes it more powerful and kinda makes me excited. I know a lot of people are tired of making the same old resolutions and not following through. Hey I've been there! Trust me I know the feeling. 

So make a list of things you would like to do whether it is healthy lifestyle, traveling more, seeing your family more or shopping less. Whatever it may be, stand up and make a statement! Declare that this year, 2013, you will stick to it as best as you can. 

I feel like I am getting started on the right track. I have been preparing my meals for the week, taking my lunch to work, and cutting out soft drinks. 

A lot of people have been asking so I am working on a lunch post. Pictures and descriptions of easy lunches you can make. I am going to try and do a 30 day of lunches. Now remember this is in the works and will take awhile because I sometimes take the same thing for lunch a day or two in a row. Here is a little preview of some of my lunches so far! I am also going to try to do my instagram meals of the week too since I am highly addicted to my new weight watchers cookbook!!

My Lunch and Afternoon Snack included.

I love Turkey Sandwiches and Soup!

Until Next Time,


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