Monday, May 27, 2013

I joined a gym....Now what?

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed a nice long Memorial Day weekend. I know I did. I got to hangout with some of my college buddies and did a whole lot of shopping.

So today instead of lounging around, relaxing by the pool (which I should have done a little, I’m looking a little ghostly these days), enjoying a cook out and drinking I decided today is the day I am joining a gym! I finally found one that is about a mile away from where I live and I did not know if there would be anyone there today to help me join but I thought I would give it a shot.

Luckily they let me join and showed me around. I even got half off my enrollment fee (hey saving a little money anytime I can is alright with me!) So I got a nice cardio workout in. I ran/walked 1.92 miles! Super proud of myself for that (I’m sure I will be feeling that in the morning) and then I did some AB exercises to help eliminate my muffin top….yes I have one.

So I am sure like many of you the gym terrifies me. I see people who are super fit and just get nervous like I can’t work as hard as they can. Plus I got a good amount of weight on them. Its very intimidating. Plus I have NO clue what I am doing. I mean how long should I work out? I have always heard an hour. Well what the heck do I do for an hour? I remind myself that to live an active lifestyle it takes baby steps.

I am committing myself to 3 weeks of exercising 4 times a week for at least 45 min a session. I will do 2 days cardio and 2 days strength training. After much research I have learned this is a way to go. I always thought oh I need to just do cardio until I lose a lot of weight then I can add in weight lifting but that is a myth.

After three weeks I am hoping to up my game and be able to do more. I really want to become a gym rat. I always feel so much better after working out. I was doing pretty good at the beginning of my diet but adding a full time job and moving I just kept saying “ok Monday, I’m joining a gym.” Once you start getting into routine of it, its super easy. But getting off and getting back on seems to be a challenge for me. I’m honestly tired of excuses I make and taking my life in my own hands. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Don't give up on something you believe in

Hello everyone,

I hope you have been doing great on the healthy train. I somehow missed boarding and then tripped a few times to finally get back on it. BUT nevertheless here I am.

My life has been a rollercoaster of emotions. I had family issues to care to, traveling, moving to a new apartment and a whole lot in-between. Oh yes and work. Can’t forget that.

So here I am. Between all the craziness of March and April I am finally glad to be settled into my routine yet again. I will brief you on what has happened in my life the last two months.

March-  Started off the month with mbestest friend and former college roommate getting engaged! I could not be happier! I’m also a bridesmaid and boy am I excited! I cantwait to stand by her side on her big day! I got to visit Jackson, MS for my yearly “reunion” It was the big St. Paddy’s Day Parade! I had a blast seeing everyone I love! Went to Memphis a few times to see my family. And that’s March in a nutshell (from what I can remember).

April- What an emotional month this was. Some good and some bad. I will say the most exciting part was my trip to NYC! Yes I finally made the trip I have wanted to make for a good 4 years. It was so nice to be there. It totally made me fall in love with the city all over again and evaluate myself and living in NYC one day. What I learned was that I DO want to be there one day, but in order to make it and survive I have a lot of growing up to do which there is nothing wrong with. I need to grow in many ways, business wise, health wise and mature a little more. I did get to see one of my very best friends living there and enjoyed having a glass of wine with her!

Now we are in May! I just moved to my apartment at the end of April and I have been trying to make it home the past two weeks. It is super weird I have never lived by myself before but I think I like it so far. It was a big adjustment for me. I did not want to and to be honest the weekend I moved I was crying off and on. I couldn’t decide if I was happy or sad. I think a mixture of the whole situation took a toll on me and I did things I was not proud of like turn to food. I promised myself I would never do that again…be an emotional eater and there I was. I felt like such a hypocrite. Who can I help and motivate others when I can’t do the same for myself?  I felt like hiding from the world. I was not happy with myself.

Like I have said time and time again. Dieting is probably one of the hardest things you can do. It’s so easy to fall down and harder to get back up. Some eventually give up and wave that white flag. Not me! I refuse to give up on something I have worked on for the past year of my life. I am not where I wanted to be at this point in my diet but that’s ok. It’s better to make those healthy changes then not at all. I don’t want to have another failed attempt at a diet. I want to make it last and I will! I have started an instagram to post my daily meals and coordinate with my blog. It will help me stay on track on a daily basis and help me blog more!

 Check out my new Instagram! Just search username Kellysjourney!! 

I know some of you are probably sick of this song and dance I go through but I am just being my honest self. I am just like every person out there struggling with a diet. It is certainly not easy and I applaud anyone making a healthy change in their life!